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Summer Stack. An e-book subscription featuring 9 hat & cowl patterns.

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Entries in tnna (2)


My TNNA Trip in Instagram

I'm sure if you're a knitter, you've heard of TNNA - The National Needlearts Association. Each summer, TNNA hosts its biggest trade event in Columbus, OH, and bunches of yarny people descend upon the convention center.

So, I packed a few travel projects, some business cards, and a bag full of snacks, and then embarked on a 6.5 hour car ride with Sam and Stefanie.

Indiana must rank among the worst drive-through states. Just so, so boring. But there were windmills!

We finally arrive in Columbus, and I promptly took a stroll downtown - Check out that capital building!

Friday night, Stefanie and I attended The Yarn Thing designer dinner. Thanks, Marly Bird, for hosting! It was a masquerade...which is difficult if you wear glasses. So I tried a work-around 'mask' in the form of a headband with crazily wrapped wire ribbon.

Of course, there was crocheting....(and a few paleo margaritas...)

And knitting...

Do you see my addiction to all things ochre at the moment? Yep. It's a problem. Because ochre DOES NOT look good on me. Alas, I don't care. Because I love ochre. ...sigh...

There was much fun to be had on the TNNA show floor. Such as this calisthenics session in the Anzula booth. Lynn and Sabrina had an impromptu stretching session on the floor! I had to snap a few shots of that ;)

I ended up bringing home some gorgeous yarn, including the skein of Colombia above from Imperial Stock Ranch. Love this company!

I'll have to share my full haul with you soon. When I can actually pause to take a good photo. I was thrilled to chat with the companies I've worked with in the past - Malabrigo, Swans Island...and to meet several new vendors as well - Sincere Sheep, Anzula, Baa!, Zen Yarn Garden, Imperial Stock Ranch, and many more. It was so great to meet you all!

Alas, it was finally time to return home to Chicago. But not before I spent the day with my mama shopping at Easton. Check out my new bracelets! Yay! Bling from j crew.

After our return trip through Indiana (seriously, this place is sooo boring to drive through), we were ecstatic to see our skyline!

P.S. There was this crazy event called ComFest happening in Columbus during the TNNA convention. Apparently, there is a court decision in Columbus making it legal for women to go topless in public. Huh?! Yeah, well it was in full effect...(Warning: There are gratuitous boobie shots in the Google search results I just linked to)


tnna & new designs to share

there have been a lot of secret projects in the works lately. a few of them have been for the new knitting pattern collection by Swans Island. they have begun a slow release of their patterns on their website.

i attended the tnna show in columbus this past weekend and got to see the entire first collection. it was lovely! i had three patterns in the collection - a gray scalloped cowl, a brown hat with snowflake embroidery, and a textured white earflap hat made with their new bulky weight yarn (the cream hat in the photo below). these images show a glimpse of the lovely Swans Island booth at tnna.

Image Courtesy of Swans Island Blog

the gray cowl, which i don't have a photo of, was featured (along with a gorgeous cabled sweater by Michele Orne) in the tnna fashion show!

more details coming soon!