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Entries in scalloped shawl (2)


Featured FO: 9crafty11's Scalloped Shawl

Continuing with the FO parade, today I'm sharing a punchy scalloped shawl, created by 9crafty11.

This beauty was knit using Malabrigo Sock in Alaucil and Archangel.

Boy is that Archangel colorway gorgeous! Thanks for sharing, 9crafty11!

All images used with permission.


Featured FOs: Scalloped Shawls

Continuing with the Featured Finished Objects (FOs) series, today I have a few lovely Scalloped Shawls to share with you. This shawl pattern is featured on the cover of Malabrigo Book Three.

The first version is a breath of fresh air, knit by Emily (emmylou on Ravelry).

(C) emmylou via FlickrEmily's scalloped shawl is so perfect for spring - it's knit up using Malabrigo Silky Merino in the Arlene's Purples colorway.

(C) emmylou via FlickrSeriously - that blue sky makes me want to jump out the window of my office building. Right. Now. I can just feel the sunshine and gently breeze in this photo. Emily doesn't have a blog, but you can follow her on Twitter.

The second version is knit by jostrong in one of my favorite yarns - Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK (Olivia colorway).

© jostrong via RavelryThis colorway is gorgeous - jostrong's daughter said it reminds her of a banana that is beginning to ripen. Perfect!

© jostrong via RavelryI really love how the stockinette stitch bells out into the scalloped edging. It just seems so organic.

© jostrong via RavelryThis shot is just so gorgeous! I need to invest in some Madelinetosh Tosk DK Merino stat!

Thanks to both emmylou and jostrong for letting me feature your beautiful FOs!