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Summer Stack. An e-book subscription featuring 9 hat & cowl patterns.

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Entries in knitting patterns (6)


My Twisted Cowl Featured in the Malabrigo Book 3 Preview

In my last post I showed the ad featuring my Rasta Neckwarmer, which is one of the patterns in the upcoming Malabrigo Book 3. In response to some feedback to commenters on the Malabrigo blog, Hannah posted a preview featuring a few of the book's designs. My Twisted Cowl was featured in this post!

Up to this point, I had only seen my own designs, and I was extremely excited to see the patterns from the other contributors. They are beautiful! The styling, done by Hannah Thiessen, is super gorgeous - apparently a lot of the clothes came straight from her closet! Wow :) Here are the other previewed designs:


Aren't they beautiful? This looks like a great book and I'm extremely honored and thrilled to be a part of it. I can't wait to have a copy of this baby in my hands!


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