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Latest Collection: Summer Stack

Summer Stack. An e-book subscription featuring 9 hat & cowl patterns.

$25 on Ravelry


New Pattern: Striper Cowl

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Entries in jared flood (2)


Wool People 4 Look Book

As usual, everything from Jared Flood's camp is extremely beautiful, detailed and inspiring. Kudos.

If you haven't already seen it, here's the look book for Wool People Volume 4.




FO: poisoned rosebud

there is a lot of holiday knitting and designing going on at my house this month.

while there are a lot of new things i cannot yet share with you, i can share one of my new favorite finished projects - behold the poisoned rosebud hat.

the pattern is rosebud by jared flood. the yarn is The Wool Dispensary Deadliest Poison in On the Back Lot.

more photos on my ravelry project page