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Entries in Georgia Building Castles (1)


Featured FO: LaurenS's Understory Cowl

Are you knitting the Understory Cowl along with The Wool Dispensary this month?

Here's a beautiful FO from one KAL knitter - LaurenS.

(C) LaurenSHer cowl isn't blocked yet, but it's gorgeous already! I was so excited about her FO that I asked to post about it immediately!

(C) LaurenSLauren made the Understory Cowl pattern her own by decreasing the circumference by 12 sts, and working 9 full repeats of the fir cone lace pattern.

You can check out her full project details on Ravelry.

Lauren's gorgeous, squishy cowl is knit up using The Wool Dispensary's Greater Poison yarn in the Georgia Building Castles colorway.

(C) LaurenSAll images used with permission.