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Entries in 3KCBWDAY3 (1)


3KCBWDAY3: My Knitting or Crochet Hero

Today's Knitting & Crochet Blog Week post is about inspiration. Who is your knitting or crochet hero?

Well, I have many- my fellow knitters and crocheters at Knit 1.

Lynn, the shop owner, has a way of constantly keeping me and all of her other customers inspired.

There are constantly new projects in various levels of progress throughout the store. Customers stop by periodically to share their own work, chat, have a snack, and, of course, stitch. 

Inspiras Galore at Knit 1Since I started hanging out at Knit 1, I've begun several new projects, I ventured into colorwork design and using (gasp!) vareigated yarns, and I've developed a love for wooly-wools.

The shop's also got me hooked on Pinterest and crochet (quite literally).

Lynn's crochet african flowersAnd it's not just yarny crafts keeping me inspired here.

Lynn (head yarn mistress) also eats paleo and lifts heavy weights, two things that I've been doing since last September.

This was a big lifestyle change for me, and it's great to have someone else to chat about it without getting the "OMGWHATDOYOUMEANYOUDONTEATBREAD???!!!!" response. 

The shop has a strong sense of community. Customers know other customers. They text each other to drop by. They grab each other lunch or treats from the coffee shop next door.

And they embark upon glorious knitted and crocheted projects together, with words of support and lots of giggling throughout the process.

How could this not be inspiring?