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Indie Designer Profile by Canary Knits

I'm so flattered by the recent Indie Designer Revisited profile from Canary Knits.

Teresa (Canary Knits) runs a great blog - you should definitely check it out! Also, I'm loving her extremely specific boards on Pinterest. If you're into Pinterest, then you know that specificity is key in keeping tidy, relevant pin collections!

Here's an excerpt:

I think it's so cool that, over a relatively short period of time, people can create such wonderful bodies of work...

...There's really quite a lot to talk about, but I'll limit myself to just one more knit: the Anna Cowl. This is a long, delicate and lacy accessory; just the right amount of lace, mind you. Just the right amount to say, peek above your coat collar, and with a great amount of full-on knit to keep your neck nice and tidywarm.

I'm really looking forward to BreeanElyse's future designs. Her aesthetic is well developed; one that I think is wonderfully wearable and attractive.

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Thanks for sharing information

February 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commenternhommua

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