Connect with Breean Elyse
Latest Collection: Summer Stack

Summer Stack. An e-book subscription featuring 9 hat & cowl patterns.

$25 on Ravelry


New Pattern: Striper Cowl

$5 on Ravelry

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 I'm a Craftsy Designer


Dose Market Recap

Last Sunday I worked with Lynn, owner of Knit 1 in Chicago, at the November Dose Market. We created 3 knitting kits for the event - The Cowl, The Warmer and The Scarf - and sold beautiful yarns, hand crafted needles and kits to all of the show attendees.

Here is a little peek:

Table DisplayThe Cowl KitThe ScarfThe Warmer The Warmer & The Cowl SamplesDisplay from the BackBooth DisplayYarn Display

 A special shoutout to my mom for helping us at the show!


The Anna Cowl on Ravelry

(C) Swans Island

One of my designs - The Anna Cowl - in the Swans Island Fall 2011 Pattern Collection is now up on Ravelry!


Support Local & Indie Artists, Crafters & Designers This Holiday Season!

Copyright All rights reserved by Green Couch Designs


Swans Island Pattern Collection

A little while ago I told you that I have 3 designs in the Swans Island Fall 2011 pattern collection. They announced the collection today and I have pictures to share!!


The open book hat using Swans Island Worsted

(C) Swans Island

The snow bowl hat using Swans Island bluky weight

(C) Swans Island

and the anna cowl using Swans Island worsted weight

(C) Swans Island

Visit the Swans Island website for the entire collection!


Featured FO: ponkie's rasta neckwarmer

I just love seeing the awesome projects people knit up using my patterns. Today's feature is a lovely version of the Rasta Neckwarmer knit up by Sarah (ponkie on Ravelry).

© ponkie via Ravelry© ponkie via RavelryI just love love love the artsy photos and buttons!

Thanks for letting me share, Sarah!