Featured FO: Indigo Swan Cowl by Gayla
Monday, September 10, 2012 at 1:06PM
Breean Elyse in Doodlebug Yarn, Summer Stack, Swans Island, Swans Island cowl, doodlebug yarn, featured fo, indigo swan cowl, knitted cowl pattern

Gayla of Doodlebug Yarn was sweet enough to let me share her most recently finished project - an Indigo Swan Cowl.

(C) GaylaGayla used Swans Island Certified Organic Chunky in Marine for her version.

Here's what she had to say about the pattern:

I love Breean’s designs - they always have a sweet little detail that make them special. In this case, it’s the rolled edge of the cowl.

Super fast, I think it took about 2 hours of knitting. This would be a perfect project for last minute holiday gifts.

You can purchase the Indigo Swan Cowl pattern exclusively via Doodlebug Yarn, or as part of Summer Stack.

Thanks for sharing, Gayla!


Article originally appeared on BreeanElyse - beautifully simple knitting (http://breeanelyse.squarespace.com/).
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